Login Problems?

Please check out our user login troubleshooting page.

Why Create an Account?

Creation of a free BioCyc account is required after an initial set of accesses even for paid subscribers.

BioCyc accounts provide several benefits:

Creating An Account

To create an account, click the Create Free Account link at the top of most pages.

You'll be asked for your full email address, which will be your account name. Your email address, name, and surname are required. All other questions are optional. Hit the "Create Account" button at the bottom right of the panel after you've finished. The system will not let you submit if the required information has not been filled out, or if the two copies of your password don't match. In this case, the missing item will be outlined in red.

Login for Existing Users

Use the LOGIN link at the top-right of the screen. Type in your full email address, which is your account name in this system, and your previously-registered password.

It is required that cookies be enabled in your browser for you to log in. Pathway Tools supports popular browsers such as Firefox and Chrome.

If you have forgotten your password, click the "Forgot password" link, enter the email address under which you registered previously, and your password will be mailed to that email address.

Changing Your Preferences

After you have logged in, the links at the top of the screen change to include a cartoon of a user -- click it and click the "My Account" link. This takes you to a Preferences Control Panel, where you can set your preferences on how you want the system to show up for you.

Use the tab folders at the top to flip between panels. You can change your password or your contact information under User Information.

Be sure to hit the "Save" button at the bottom right to lock in your changes. Or hit the "Cancel" button, or simply change away from the page, if you decide not to change your preferences.

Logging Out

Normally you will be logged out if you close down all the windows in your browser application, or if you log out explicitly. However, if you check the "Keep me logged in" box under the login form, the system will conveniently keep you logged in even after you close your browser. You remain logged in until you explicitly log out using the "Logout" link at the top-right of most pages. Make sure to log out if you share your computer with other people.

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Page generated by Pathway Tools version 28.0 (software by SRI International) on Tue May 7, 2024, BIOCYC13A.
EcoCyc version 28.0.